This page was created to provide a quick overview of the services we offer you as well as provide the ability to schedule outside of business hours.
Click the service desired and follow the prompts to book.
If this is your first time using Vagaro to book directly, you will need to log in using the same email you currently receive appointment reminders from us. You can also request a temporary log in/password from the office if you are unsure or having issues log in.
You will also be able to cancel, reschedule or change the time and date of your appointments via Vagaro, if done 24 hours in advance.
When booking you will be shown only what is available & if your preferred time is not listed on a given day, that time is unfortunately not open. You will have the option to add yourself to a waitlist for that day & be contacted if the schedule changes, otherwise you will be promoted to the next open availability.
Dr. Mark
M/W/Th, 12-5
F, 12-3
M/W/Th, 12- 5*
*Last start time for 50m
Massage, 50 mins Massage, 80 mins
Massage, 50m + Adjustment, 15m Massage, 80m + Adjustment, 15m
Massage, 50m + Chiropractic, 30m Massage, 80m + Chiropractic, 30m
Sports Massage, 50m Sports Massage, 80m
Specialized Services
Pilates + Initial Assessment, 70m Pilates, 50m
Pilates, 50m + Adjustment, 15m 40/40, 40m Pilates + 40m Massage
W &Th, 10:30-3:30*
*Last start time for 50m
Massage, 50 mins Massage, 80 mins
Massage, 50m + Adjustment, 15m Massage, 80m + Adjustment, 15m
Massage, 50m + Chiropractic, 30m Massage, 80m + Chiropractic, 30m
Specialized Services
Massage Plus, 50 mins + pick 2: Hot Stones, Face or Scalp (Coming)
Massage Plus, 80 mins includes Hot Stones, Face & Scalp (Coming)